
七年级英语上册unit 5- 6复习提纲

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 七年级 来源: 记忆方法网
七年级英语上册unit 5- 6复习提纲
Unit 5 _____________________________________
2.你经常参加运动吗? 你可以知道几种运动器材和球类名称,试着写写吧!
3.你能用have 写出几句问别人是否有运动物品的句子吗?试试看。

4.你知道have 的第三人称形式是什么? 在不同句式里怎么变化?
5. 你怎样向别的同学邀请去打球,你喜欢打球吗?为什么?你能用几个形容词来表达你的喜好?写的越多越好, 一分钟比赛吧
6.你好朋友有收藏爱好吗?假如他有运动物品及其它收藏爱好, 请用一篇短文来介绍他的收藏品吧!
7. 下面是本单元的目标语言,你一定要做到背诵和默写。你能行的,是吗?!
Do you have a basketball ? Yes, I do . /No , I don’t.
Do they have a computer ? Yes, they do ./ No , they don’t .
Does he/she have a tennis racket? Yes , he/she does ./No , he/she doesn’t .
Let’s watch TV, No , that’s sounds boring .
That’s sounds great ./
Unit 6
1.Unit 6标题是什么?Unit 6___________________________________
你能说出多少种食物的名称, 把他们归类后写下来好吗?
Vegetables ________________________________________________
2. 你能给区别名词(食物)的种类吗? 那些是可数名词? 那些是不可数名词,哪些两者皆可,? 举些例子吧!你并能写出可数名词的复数形式吗?试试看!



3.你喜欢什么食物及蔬菜水果呢? 你怎样询问他人的喜好?能用Yes or No 来简单回答吗?

4. 你的一天三餐都喜欢吃些什么?来一段文字吧!

5.问问你的同学三餐都喜欢吃什么?谈谈伙伴早餐、中餐和晚餐喜欢吃什么, 好吗?
Do you like salad ? Yes, I do . / No , I don’t .
Do they like French fries ? Yes , they do . / No , they don’t .
Does he like pears ? Yes , he does. /No , he doesn’t.
I like French fries . I don’t like tomatoes .
1. My brother ____________ a good soccer ball.
A: have B: is C. has D. are
2.?Does Tom ____________ any soccer balls ?
-Yes , he ___________ some .
A. have , have B. has , has C. has , have D. have , has
3. ? Does he have a tennis racket ? - ________________.
A. Yes , he is . B. No , he doesn’t . C. Yes , he doesn’t D. No , he does .
4. Ed only __________ basketball on TV.
A. watch B. watches C. watchs D. to watch
5. Tom and Li lei ___________ fruit very much .
A. likes B: eats C. like D. has
6 . I have ________________ food at home . Xkb1.cn
A. lot of B: lots of C. a lots of D. a lot
1. Tom __________ ( not like ) eggs . 2. My _________ ( book ) are on the desk .
3. He ___________ ( like) playing volleyball.4. My brother _________ ( be ) a teacher.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /chuyi/80702.html

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