
七年级英语上册odule 4 Healthy food试题(2013外研版有答案)

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 七年级 来源: 记忆方法网

odule 4 Healthy food模块检测试题
(45分钟 100分)
Ⅰ. (10分)

Food and
drinkrice and
6 7 and
duplingsrice, 8 ,
9 and 10
6.__________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. __________ 10. __________
Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)
1. I usually(通常) have eggs and ilk __________ breakfast.
A. forB. atC. inD. with
2. We haven’t got __________ carrots. We need to buy__________.
A. any; anyB. soe; soeC. any; soeD. soe; any
3. (2011•福州中考)—I a thirsty. ay I have soething to drink?
—OK. Here’s soe__________.
A. riceB. breadC. water
4. Please get a red apple __________ e.
A. forB. withC. toD. fro
5. The chicken and beef__________ very nice.
A. areB. isC. doD. does
6. —Have you got any sugar?
A. Yes, we have any B. No, we haven’t got any
C. No, thanks. D. Yes, please.
7. There are__________ eggs in the fridge.
A. lots ofB. a lotC. lot ofD. a lots
8. —How about a cup of tea?
A. GoodB. Not bad C. Good ideaD. I want to drink
9. ilk is a healthy drink __________ cola is y favourite drink.
A. butB. andC. orD. /
10. __________ the west, they have too uch sweet food.
A. ForB. OfC. InD. At
Ⅲ. 完形(10分)
y nae is Julia and I 1 two sisters, Katrina and aria. We like haburgers for lunch. Katrina and 2 like French fries, 3 aria doesn’t. I 4 eggs for dinner, but Katrina and aria like eggs. I really like chicken 5 vegetables. y parents like vegetables, 6 . So there’re always 7 vegetables in the fridge. We think 8 are good for our health. We each eat one every day. But there 9 any apples today. So I’ll go to the shop 10 y other after school.
1. A. have gotB. has got C. don’t haveD. haven’t got
2. A. eB. IC. yD. I’
3. A. andB. soC. orD. but
4. A. likeB. likesC. don’t likeD. not like
5. A. orB. andC. butD. with
6. A. alsoB. toC. twoD. too
7. A. anyB. soeC. aD. an
8. A. apples B. appleC. an apple D. a apple
9. A. isn’tB. isC. aren’tD. are
10. A. andB. orC. butD. with
Ⅳ. 理解(10分)
The food in Aerica is different fro our Chinese food. For exaple, they eat a lot of potatoes. They like to eat the every day. They eat bread for breakfast and for another eals. They eat bread with butter(黄油), aybe cheese or ja(果酱). Cheese and butter are ade fro (用……做成)ilk. They drink a lot of ilk, too. They drink the ilk in hot or cold, and they put it in their tea. And they like eat or fish with potatoes and other vegetables. After the eal they always have soething sweet. They call that dessert(甜点).
1. The Aerican food is __________ Chinese food.
A. the sae asB. different fro
C. as well asD. better than
2. Cheese is ade of __________.
A. ilkB. butterC. ja D. sweet
3. In Aerica they usually eat bread with __________.
A. sugarB. ilkC. cheeseD. tea
4. They don’t drink __________ in Aerica.
A. ilkB. teaC. coffeeD. porridge(粥)
5. After the eal they like to have __________.
A. apples B. pizzasC. dessertD. oranges
Ⅴ. 词汇运用(10分)
(Ⅰ) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)
1. y favourite drink is orange j__________ .
2. Fruit and v__________ are good for our health.
3. He is thirsty (口渴的). He drinks lots of w__________.
4. What k__________ of fruit have you got?
5. I like eating fish. It’s very d__________.
6. He goes __________ (shop) with his other on Sunday.
7. How any __________ (potato) are there in the basket?
8. __________ (child) like eating chocolate but it’s unhealthy.
9. There __________ (be not) any oney in his pocket.
10. Let’s__________ (give) the soe ilk.
Ⅵ. 完成句子 (10分)
1. 多吃蔬菜少吃肉对健康有好处。
It__________ ___________ _________ health to eat ore vegetables and less eat.
2. 买本字典是重要的。
It’s__________ __________ __________a dictionary.
3. 水有点儿热。
The water is__________ __________hot.
4. 我们晚饭吃米饭、喝汤。
We have rice and soup__________ __________.
5. 房间里没有桌子,也没有椅子。
There aren’t __________ desks __________ chairs.
Ⅶ. 补全对话(10分)
A. What do you have for lunch?
B. Do we need soe soup?
C. What would you like for supper?
D. Do you have any fruit?
E. Are you hungry?
F. Are they healthy?
G. How uch fruit do you have?
Ricky: It’s tie for lunch, engeng ! 1
engeng: Yes, I’ hungry.
Ricky: 2
engeng: I have rice, eat and vegetables for lunch.
Ricky: 3
engeng: Yes. Very healthy.
Ricky: 4
engeng: Of course. Fruit is also y favourite.
Ricky: 5
engeng: Yes, we can ake it together.
Ricky: OK.
1.__________ 2. __________ 3. __________4. __________5. __________
Ⅷ. 短文填空(10分)
Rick is a f 1 an. He gets up late in the orning. He has a big b 2 every orning. He has soe eat, three
o 3 four eggs and soe pieces of bread. He drinks two glasses of ilk, soe apple j 4 , a cup of coffee and soe fruit. His wife, Vicky, h 5 a cup of tea, a piece of bread and a banana f 6 breakfast. Rick doesn’t do any ball gaes b 7 he likes listening to the usic
a 8 watching TV and he doesn’t do any housework. Vicky does sports every day. In fact, she is in a swiing club. S 9 she is very h 10 .
1.__________ 2. __________ 3. __________4. __________5. __________
6. __________7. __________8. __________ 9. __________ 10. __________
Ⅸ. 书面表达(20分)
To 早上六点半在家吃早饭, 他喝牛奶,吃面包和鸡蛋。中午十二点,他在学校吃午饭。他吃米饭,一些肉和蔬菜。有时,他吃鱼。在晚上,他常常和他的家人一起吃晚饭。他很健康。
参考词汇: soeties 有时
(Ⅰ)1. Is cola a healthy drink?
2. There are soe apples and bananas in the fridge.
3. Does Daing like ice- crea?
4. y favourite food is haburger.
5. Don’t eat too uch candy. It’s bad for your teeth.
答案:1~5. ACCBA
(Ⅱ)Lingling’s faily live in Zhuhai. Her father is fro Guangdong. He likes eating rice and eat. Her other is fro Dongbei. She likes eating noodles and duplings. Lingling likes eating rice and fish and drinking ore ilk and juice. They are all healthy food and drink.
答案:6. eat7. noodles8. fish9. ilk10. juice
4.【解析】选A。 get sth. for sb. “为某人去拿某物”,固定短语。
5.【解析】选A。chicken 和beef 作并列主语,谓语动词用复数形式。
7.【解析】选A。许多 a lot of/lots of。句意:在冰箱里有许多鸡蛋。
8.【解析】选C。How about. . . ? 是提建议的一种方式,Good idea. 表示同意。
10.【解析】选C。in the west 在西方。
Ⅲ.1.【解析】选A。句意:我有两个姐姐。have got 意为“有”。
4.【解析】选C。句意:我不喜欢鸡蛋而Katrina 和aria喜欢。
6.【解析】选D。too “也”,位于句尾,用逗号和句子隔开。
10.【解析】选D。句意:所以放学后我和妈妈一起去商店。with “和……一起”。
Ⅳ. 1.【解析】选B。根据第一句可知,美国食物与中国食物不同。
Ⅴ.答案:1. juice2. vegetables 3. water4. kind
5. delicious6. shopping7. potatoes
8. Children 9. isn’t10. give
Ⅵ.答案:1. is good for2. iportant to buy 3. a bit4. for dinner
5. any; or
Ⅶ.答案:1~5. EAFDB
Ⅷ.答案:1. fat2. breakfast3. or4. juice5. has
6. for7. but8. and9. So 10. healthy
To has breakfast at hoe at 6:30 in the orning. He has ilk, bread and eggs. At 12:00, he has rice, soe eat and vegetables for lunch at school. Soeties he has fish. In the evening he has supper with his faily. They are all healthy food and drink, so he is in good health.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /chuyi/97649.html
