

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 记忆方法网
kind-hearted 基本解释

形容词仁慈的,好心的; 脸软心慈

kind-hearted 相关例句



1. Mike is a very kind-hearted boy.

kind-hearted 网络解释

1. 好心的:just 正直的 | kind-hearted 好心的 | knowledgeable 有见识的

2. 好心:碰壁 run one s against a wall | 好心 kind -hearted | 祸不单行 Misfortunes never come singly

3. 仁慈的:marble-hearted 冷酷的,无情的 | kind-hearted 仁慈的 | warm-hearted 热情的,恳切的

4. 仁慈的,好心肠的:hard-hearted:硬心肠的,无情的 | kind-hearted:仁慈的,好心肠的 | warm-hearted:热心的

kind-hearted 双语例句

1. While the heroine Odelia Fiennes is a typical school girl, kind-hearted and considerate. They had spent three years in junior high school.
而主角Odelia Fiennes则是典型的校园女生形象,心地善良且善解人意。


2. I hope that you are a caring and kind-hearted men.

3. Let me tell you, you are quietly most beautiful rainbow in my life no matter whathappens tomorrow, I will beat you, my heart remains Although the situation is still burning as we have misunderstood you have sad circumstances, however, Sunshine in the midst of the total in the spring after blooming love you and I do not regret it because you are the most beautiful rainbow in my life I quietly tell you your life is gentle and kind-hearted I miss your gentle words I know love is the essence of my feelings for you swallow I I silently bear the pain of your life to you, I have no regrets because you are the most beautiful rainbow I always stood in my mind Let me tell you quietly Lane

4. Helen was a warm and kind-hearted woman who lived in one of those towns.


5. Since then, kind-hearted, loved by all of us ZaoJun year December 20 to 24, Saul sandu people will become dust folk custom.

6. Thanks to a kind-hearted taxi driver, Ammy arrived at the test room in time.

7. Thands to a kind-hearted taxi driver, Ammy arrived at the test room in time.

8. Graceful and lithe breed of terrier known for its uniquely tassled and outward curving ears and for its lamblike face and body; coat is crisp, curly, and short and can be white, blue, tan, sandy, or liver in color; long ears are triangular with rounded balls at tips, and they hang down the side of the head, sometimes ending in an outward curl; tail is ratlike; eyes are round, small, and very dark; adult stands 1518 in.(3846 cm) tall at shoulders and weighs 1723 lbs (810 kg originally known as the Rothbury terrier; developed in Northumberland, England, in late 1700s or early 1800s as a game terrier by miners and nailmakers, who used this breed to catch badgers, foxes, otters, and vermin; hunts using its keen eyesight; later adopted as a good house companion by the upper classes; lively, tireless, and dutiful demeanor; considered a kind-hearted and devoted companion

9. She is such a kind-hearted girl that she always goes out of her way...

10. Months and even years after, we will pay constant carings and attentions to these kids, We will also give them some toys and stationeries, I think this is for the purpose to help them release their sorrowness by painting and hope this may relieve them a short while from all the horrible memories. We hope to let them know that there are many kind-hearted people care about them out there in this world, they are not alone.

11. One of my principle of making friends is to make friends with thoes who are kind-hearted.
兼爱 我交友的一个原则是交善良的人。

12. Is his first full-length short lead detective stories of creation, but also created his first witty, courageous, sincere, kind-hearted official detective - inspector quebracho.

13. My wife is a gentle and lovely, kind-hearted people.

14. She was kind-hearted and open-minded, that's why I really like her, he said.

15. It will penetrate into the inner world of the kind-hearted people who desire for self-development and self-perfection, with an incomparably strong power, to redeem the poor from misery and those who degenerated from the hotbed of self-trampling, to make the weak refresh with vim and vigor, to encourage those desperate people, and to help the helpless ones.

16. Good good child, a child's laugh, the kind-hearted laughter, the purity of laughter, laughter at him, your heart is only good and moving the world.

17. If it can make it falls resurgence, it put my deep love with a kind-hearted fire is burning ash!

18. We began to read novels since childhood, we know that women are always weak and kind-hearted, while men are beave and clever, we have the ideas that men is superior to women before we have our own values.

19. Because he is a very kind very kind-hearted people.

20. How can I guarantee that in the relentless rain of the World customs, my love will not be solidified into a cast iron, I will not translate into the kind-hearted cruel?

kind-hearted 词典解释

1. 仁慈的;体贴的;宽容的
If you describe someone as kind-hearted, you mean that they are kind, caring, and generous.

e.g. He was a warm, generous and kind-hearted man.

kind-hearted 英英释义


1. having or proceeding from an innately kind disposition

e.g. a generous and kindhearted teacher

Synonym: kindhearted

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