

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 励志英语 来源: 记忆方法网

1、 For every beauty there is an eye to see it.For every truth there is an ear to hear it.For every love there is a heart to receive it.每一种美,都会有一双眼睛能看到;每一个本相,都有一双耳朵会听到;每一份爱,总会有一颗心会感想到。

2、Sometimes you just have to hold your head up high, try not to cry, and say goodbye!有时候,你要做的就是,昂起自己的头颅,不让眼泪掉下来,而后洒脱的说一声: 再见!

3、Life try a total of four questions:their studies,career and marriage, family.Average point to pass the exam,do not take high too much time and energy in any one subject.人生试题一共有四道标题:学业、事业、婚姻、家庭。均匀分高才干合格,切莫花太多的时光和精神在任一题目

4、We're all a little weird & life's a little weird,and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours,we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.我们都算小怪才,生活也是这样。当发明一个人的怪和能跟自己对得上,就和他/她站一行,称其为爱­。

5、There's always that one song that brings back old memories.总有那么一首歌,让你陷入深深的回想­。

6、Never lie to someone who trust you.Never trust someone who lies to you.不要诱骗任何相信你的人,不要信任任何诈骗你的。

7、Don't depend too much on one person,because rely on,so expect because expectations,so disappointed.不要太依附一个人,因为依赖,所以冀望,因为盼望,所以扫兴­。

8、No one cried when the coax,I learned to be strong;afraid not stay by the time I learned courage;bored when no one asked,I learned to bear.哭的时候没人哄,我学会了顽强;怕的时候没人陪,我学会了英勇;烦的时候没人问,我学会了蒙受­。

9、In life,we all have an unspeakable secret,an irreversible regret,an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love.人的毕生,都有一些说不出的机密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的幻想,忘不了的爱。

10、If you ask for God to help you,it means you trust His ability. If He doesn't help you yet, it means He trusts yours.如果你向上天追求辅助,阐明你相信老天的才能。而假如上天不帮你,则象征着他也相信你的能力。

11、The reason so many people find it so hard to be happy is that they will always see the past better than it was,the present worse than it is,and the future less resolved than it will be.良多人不快活,由于总感到从前太美妙,当初太蹩脚,未来又太飘渺。

12、I want to meet someone that I will never forget for the rest of my life. 我想要遇见某个余生再不会忘的Ta。

13、Just feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity is always there.感触梦的火焰,感觉飘动霎时,当一切浪漫遥远,永恒仍然。

14、NOT expect to much and not accept everything good and you will never be disappointed. 不期冀什么,坦然接收一切,那你就永远不会绝望。

15、God puts some people in your life for a reason, and removes them from your life for a better reason.上天部署我们与某些人相遇,是有原因的。上天若把他们又移出我们的生活,那是因为有更好的起因。

16、Laughters are not always "the best medicine", some times it's just "the best disguise".笑有时候并不是最好的药,有时候它只是最好的粉饰罢了。

17、What you have to decide is just how you want your life to be.你做的决议,就是你想要过的生活

18、I don't want to have a perfect one I just need someone who can make me feel that I'm the only one.我不需要那个人有多完善。。我只是须要那个人能让我感到到,我就是独一。

19、Some of us think holding on can make us strong but sometimes it is letting go.—Hermann Hesse 有的人以为保持会让咱们变得更强盛,但有时候撒手也会。

20、Too many people are looking for something better, even if everything needed is right in front of them..即便需要的所有都已经摆在眼前,仍是有太多人打算寻找更好的。

21、When someone hurts you, you will learn to become stronger. When someone leaves you, you will learn to be more independent.人老是在损害中学着刚强,在告别中学着独破。

22、I will not be able to promise to solve all your problems, but I can promise you won't have to face them alone. 我没措施许诺可以解决你所有的问题,然而我保障我会陪你面对他们。

23、Will you look back on life and saying "I wish I had," or "I'm glad I did"? 回想旧事的时候,你是会说“要是当时做了就好了”还是“还好我当时做了”?

24、Things often change. And friends always leave. And life doesn't stop for anybody. 世事会变迁,曾经的友人终会分开,生活不会为任何人停下来。

25、Please do be confident with yourself and stop worrying about what other people think of you. Do what's best for your future happiness!对本人要自负,别再管其它人怎么想了。为了将来幸福全力以赴吧!

26、The best relationship is when you can completely behave yourself and they can still love you for who you are. 最好的恋情是你能够完整做自己,不论你什么样子ta还是爱你。

27、The most exhausting thing in one's life is being insincere. —— A. M. Lindbergh 生活中最使人精疲力竭的事是平心而论。

28、I am just right there. Affection is just right there. Love is right there. Come into my arms and heart Or Let me live into your heart.我就在那里。情就在那里。爱就在那里。来我的怀里或让我住进你的心里。

29、Every story has its ending. But in life, every ending is a right new beginning. 所有的故事,都有个终局。但荣幸的是,我们的生涯中,每个结局会变成一个新的开端。

30、The couple quarreling often means either doesn't give in to the other, not liking changing for the other. If love , do accept the right or wrong of the other, do change for the other.两个人会吵架,是因为生活里不愿让步,不愿为对方转变。相爱,是乐意接受对方的一切,毛病和长处。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /lizhi/323159.html
