

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 励志英语 来源: 记忆方法网

1、A life without if, and only the consequences and results, the past no longer come back, come back no longer perfect.Time is a thief, always inadvertently stole many, beautiful appearance, true feelings, happy life。人生没有如果,只有后果和结果,过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。岁月是贼,总是不经意地偷去许多,美好的容颜,真实的情感,幸福的生活。

2、I always avoid you, so I missed you, finally I lost you, so that at the moment I miss you so much。我总是逃避你,于是我错过了你,终于我失去了你,以至于此刻的我如此地想念你。

3、Nothing in life is despair, a series of disaster will be can't withstand the sunshine nightmare, to be bumpy.Life is the dojo, alive is a kind of practice。生活中没有绝境,一场场灾难都必将是经不起阳光的噩梦,经不起颠簸的泡影。人生就是道场,活着就是一种修行。

4、Miracle, is not on the way to easy to bloom.Perhaps, in all, there is no behind trying to choose, there will be not seen, not design the unknown。奇迹,是不会在容易的道路上绽放的。也许,在所有不被看好,无人尝试的选择背后,会有不曾见到的可能,不曾设计的未知。

5、Life is a circle, some people walk all his life did not make fate draw a circle, each point on the circle have a tangent to take-off。人生是个圆,有的人走了一辈子也没有走出命运画出的圆圈,圆上的每一个点都有一条腾飞的切线。

6、The way of the life is to walk on your own, no matter how to choose, as long as it is your own choice, there is no right and wrong, more do not need to regret。人生的路那是要靠自己行走,无论如何选择,只要是自己的选择,就不存在对错更无须后悔。

7、If you want something, don't wait for someone will send to you one day.Life is too short, and so on。如果你想要某样东西,别等着有人某天会送给你。生命太短,等不得。唯美的句子 www.juzi2.cn

8、Love and dreams are very wonderful things, don't listen to, needless to say, also need not be translated, can feel it。爱情跟梦想都是很奇妙的事情,不用听,不用说,也不用被翻译,就能感受到它。

9、The happiest people is not having the best, but they can turn everything into the best。最幸福的人并不是拥有最好的一切,只不过他们可以把一切都变成最好。

10、Life, always coming up with and leave, miss is not a fault, I have missed, just let go.People should be like a tree, stand is a beautiful scenery, the backbone of the down is a high-quality。人生,总是写满了走来与离开,错过不是过错,既已错过,干脆放过。人应如树,站着是一道美丽的风景,倒了是一个优质的栋梁

11、The past is gone, don't want to consider in the future, just want to at this moment, for your willful brave。过去已经不在了,将来也不想考虑,只想此时此刻,为了你任性的勇敢。

12、All sad past, when time is slowly precipitation, you will find your own happiness is much larger than expected。所有的忧伤都是过往,当时间慢慢沉淀,你会发现,自己的快乐比想象的多得多。

13、Life is very simple, do please don't regret the decision.Time flies, the youth have a mark, in miss the past good days, may find everything waning。人生很简单,做了决定就请不要后悔。时光易逝,青春有痕,在怀念往事没好的日子里,暮然发现身边的一切正渐行渐远。

14、We will eventually die.So our goal in life should not be long life, and should do something you want to do。我们终究会死。所以我们的人生目标不该是长命百岁,而应该做点自己想做的。

15、When we are apart, more not because of hate, but are very like.We had good memories, just let the tears dye have vague, even the memories are so pain。当我们疏远谁,更多的并不是因为讨厌,而是都太喜欢。我们有过的美好回忆,只是让泪水染得模糊不清了,就连回忆都是如此伤痛。

16、We learn to treasure every single day of our lives, because of this the start of each day, will is the first day of the rest of our life, unless we're going to die。我们要学会珍惜我们生活的每一天,因为,这每一天的开始,都将是我们余下生命之中的第一天,除非我们即将死去。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /lizhi/332280.html
