

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 人生格言 来源: 记忆方法网


  A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm.借来的斗篷不保暖。

  A cI ever person turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all.聪慧人会大事化小,小事化无。

  A cloak is not made for a single shower of rain.斗篷不是只用来遮一次雨。

  A cold April the barn wi I I fill.四月冷,粮满仓。

  A cold May and a windy makes a full barn and a findy.蒲月风凉快,米谷堆满仓。

  A co 11 is good for nothing if it does not break its halter.不会摆脱缓绳的 便不是良驹。(colt:雄马,小斑马,无教训的年青人)。

  A combined defense is the safest.结合防守是最平安的。

  A courtyard common to a I I will be swept by none.公有庭院无人自动扫除。

  A coward dies a thousand times before his death. The valiant never taste of death but once.懦夫死千次,好汉只死一次。

  A crafty knave needs no broker.狡猜的流歌不须要旁边人。

  A deceitful peace is more hurtful than an open war.明枪易躲,明枪难防。

  A handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning. 成小常识4氐得过一 肚子学识。

  A handful of trade is a handful of gold,成一植交易,得一把黄金。

  A hungry man is an angry man.饥饿让人发怒。

  A hungry man sees far.饥饿的人看得远。

  Better a c I out nor a hole out,补丁总比破洞强。(clout:破布)

  Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us.宁要小火暖身,不要大火灼人。

  Better a mouse in the pot than no meat at all.锅里有鼠肉总比什么也没有好。(聊胜于无)。

  Better an egg in peace than an ox in war. 和平时的一个鸡蛋,赛过战斗时的一头牛。

  Better ask twice than lose you way once.情愿问路两次也别迷路一次。

  Better be quarreling than lonesome,有人争吵好过孤唯一人。

  Better bow nor break.宁肯忍辱负重,勿惹祸上身。

  Better buy than borrow, 借的不如买的好。

  Better leave than lack,宁愿残余,不可匮乏。

  Better lose the saddle than the horse,吃小亏占大便宏。

  Bind the sack before it be full.做事应适可而止。

  Blessings are ever waiting on virtuous acts,吉人自有天相。

  Bor rowed garments never fit well,借来的衣服分歧身。

  Bread is the staff of life.民以食为天。

  Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse.不要为了毁灭耗子而烧掉了屋子。

  Business before pleasure.正事在先,吃苦在后。

  By being grateful, a man makes himself deserving of yet another kindness. 理解感谢,才值得别人付出恩情。

  By wisdom peace,by peace plenty.智慧生和平,和平生富饶。

  Garry out an execution before seeking the decree.先斩后奏。 (decree:命令,布告)

  Cast not out the foul water till you bring in the clean.净水将来,莫泼污水。(没有更好的抉择前,勿舍弃赖以维生的方法)。

  Cats eat that hussies spares.竭力省下的却被别人大肆浪费。(hussy:野丫头,轻浮女子)

  Cheap things are never very good,哲理名言.便宏没好货。

  Children are what the mothers are.耳;、需目染。

  Comfort is better than pride.安适胜于得意。

  Comparisons are odious, 人比人,气逝世人。(odious:可恨的,厌恶的)

  Comp lain to one who can help you.向能供给辅助的人埋怨才有用。

  Complete cooperation is vital to success.彻底配合是胜利的主要前提。

  Content lodges oftener in cottages than palaces.住茅屋的惬意往往胜于住?殿。

  Counsels in wine seldom prosper, 酒席上的决议少见功效。

  Cowards are cruel.怯夫不仁。

  Curiosity killed the cat.好奇心,惹祸根。

  Custom is a second nature.习惯成天然。

  Custom is the guide of the ignorant 习俗是无知者的向导。

  Custom makes a I I things easy,养成好习惯,事事皆不难。

  Custom rules the law.风俗影响法律。

  Custom without reason is but ancient error.习俗不情理,古代舛误罢了。

  Danger and delight grow on one stalk.危险与喜悦常相伴。

  Danger is next neighbor to security.危险与保险只有一线之隔。

  Danger itself is the best remedy for danger.想要出险必先涉险。

  Dead men bites not,死人不会告密。(罪犯常以此句要挟别人)。

  Dead men tell no tales,死人不会挑拨离间。

  Deceive the rich and powerful if you will, but don't insult them.显贵之人可骗不可辱。

  Desperate diseases must have desperate cures / remedies.病需下猛药。 (浊世用重典)。

  Disgraced may be he who thinks ill.杂念必招辱。

  Do as the Romans do. / Do as they do at Rome. / Do in Rome as the Romans do,入乡顺俗。

  Do business, but be not a slave to it,要做事,但不要受役于事。

  Do not dig a hole for somebody else; you yourself wi I I fa I I into it.害人者终将害己。

  He may we I I be contented who need neither borrow nor flatter,不必借钱不用拍马屁,称得上是满意自得。

  He most lives who lives most for others.奉献最多的人,活得最有意思。

  He that fears death lives not.怕死的人活不了。

  He that has a white horse and a fair wife, never wants trouble.领有白马跟美妻,懊恼永不少。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /rensheng/105037.html
