
三年级英语上册Unit 6 Colours

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语教案 来源: 记忆方法网

课 题Unit 6 Colours课时2
教学内容: Story tie,Fun tie and Song tie
1.To be able to listen, read and say the neords:black, blue, brown, white
   2. To be able to aster the words: orange, green, red, yellow and
    the useful expressions: What colour is…? It’s…
3. To be able to talk about the colours.
4. To be able to sing the song “Colour song”.
1. Ss will be be able to aster and use the word and sentences freely.
2. Ss will be able to sing the song “Colour song”
Word and sentence cards, different colours of cards, pictures of clothes
板书设计: Unit 6 Colours
1. Listen and read after the tape five ties. Recite the dialogue.
2. 3. ake letter cards of Rr, Ss and Tt.

教 学 过 程备 注
Step1 war up
1. Free talk
T: Good orning/afternoon, boys and girls. Ss:
T: Look at y jacket. It’s blue.
What colour is your jacket? S: It’s …
Use the drills: What colour is…? It’s… to describe the things.
2. Revision.
T: We know Yang Ling is having a fashion sho
Right? Ss: Yes.
T: What colour is her skirt in Picture 1?Ss: It’s orange.
T: What colour is her skirt in Picture 2? Ss: It’s green.
T: What colour is her skirt in Picture 3?
Ss: It’s red and yello
Using “What colour is…? It’s orange/green/red/yellow” to talk about colours.
Step2 Presentation and practice
1. Learn neords.
T: You’re so great.
Now, I’ going to have a fashion sho
Look at y jacket. What colour is y jacket? S: …
T: Oh, it’s black. Show a piece of black paper.(红色卡纸)
T: OK. Follow e. Black, black. Ss: Black, black.
Shoord card: black, black (开火车读单词)
T: What colour is y jacket? Ss: It’s black.
T: (Point to the Ss Who is wearing black) What colour is it?
Ss: It’s black.
Practice in pairs.
   T: (Point to the student Who is wearing brown)
   What colour is it?
Help Ss to answer: It’s brown. Repeat after the T.
Shoord card: brown, brown. (开火车读单词)
T: What colour is it? Ss: It’s brown.
   T: (Point to the other Ss Who is wearing brown)
    What colour is it?
Ss: It’s brown.
Practice in pairs.
Learn blue and white in the sae way.
2. Play a issing gae.
Point to the words on the Bb.
Ask and answer quickly, using:What colour is it? It’s…
T: (Take away black card quickly)What’s issing?
Play a issing gae, to take away the four colour word cards.
3. Play and say
Let the Ss ake the pinwheels before class.
Show the pin-wheels and talk about the colours in pairs.
Use the drills: What colour is this …?It’s…
4. Ask soe pairs to show theselves.
Step 3 Song tie
1. ake a survey.
T: I a wearing blue today. Who is wearing blue today?
S: I a wearing blue today. S: I a wearing blue today. …
The students who is wearing blue stands up.
T: Who is wearing yellow today?
   S: I a wearing yellow today.
   S: I a wearing yellow today. …
The students who is wearing yellow stands up.
T: Who is wearing red today?
S: I a wearing red today. S: I a wearing red today. …
2. Listen to the song.
3. Sing after the tape twice.
4.Try to sing the song.
Step 3 Production
Show tie.
The students who is wearing the sae colour stands up and sing the song..
Step 4 Hoework
1. Sing the song and try to act out the song.
   2. Listen and read the words five ties.
   3. ake letter cards of Rr, Ss and Tt.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /xiaoxue/44101.html

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