

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 经典台词 来源: 记忆方法网

Agent Smith: I have something for him, a gift. You see, he set me free...
Agent Smith: I killed you, Mr. Anderson. I watched you die... with a certain satisfaction, I might add. Then something happened. something that I knew was impossible, but it happened anyway. You destroyed me, Mr. Anderson. After that, I understood the rules, I knew what I was supposed to do, but I didn't. I couldn't. I was compelled to stay, compelled to disobey. And now, here I stand because of you, Mr. Anderson. Because of you, I'm no longer an Agent of this system. Because of you, I've changed. I'm unplugged. A new man, so to speak. Like you, apparently, free.
Agent Smith: I want everything.
Agent Smith: I'm looking for Neo.
Agent Smith: If you can't beat us...
Agent Smith: It's all happening exactly as before...
Agent Smith: Me... me... me...
Agent Smith: Mister Anderson, you look surprised to see me, again.
Agent Smith: Mr. Anderson. Surprised to see me?
Agent Smith: Our connection.
Agent Smith: Purpose.
Agent Smith: Smith will suffice.
Agent Smith: Thank you.
Agent Smith: That went as expected...
Agent Smith: The best thing about being me... There are so many mes.
Agent Smith: Then you're aware of it?
Agent Smith: We are here because of you, Mr Anderson. We're here to take from you what you tried to take from us.
Agent Smith: Yes, me.
Agent Smith: You look surprised to see me, again, Mr. Anderson. That's the difference between us. I've been *expecting* you.
Agent Smith: [to Neo] Still using all the muscles except the one that matters?
Agent Thompson: The anomaly.
Agent Thompson: Yes...
Agent Thompson: You.
Ballard: You're asking for one of us to disobey a direct order.
Bane: Oh God.
Commander Lock: Dammit, Morpheus. Not everyone believes what you believe.
Commander Lock: I believe I'm going to need every ship we have if we're going to survive this attack.
Commander Lock: If it were up to me, Captain, you wouldn't set foot on a ship for the rest of your life.
Commander Lock: Niobe.
Commander Lock: Then why did you allow the Nebuchanezar to leave?
Corrupt: Fine, whatever. Now, piss off.
Corrupt: Never heard of him.
Councillor Hamann: That's how it is with people - nobody cares how it works as long as it works.
Councillor Harmann: Because *I* believe our survival depends on more than how many *ships* we have.
Councillor Harmann: Down here, sometimes I think about all those people still plugged into the Matrix and when I look at these machines I... I can't help thinking that in a way... we are plugged into them.
Councillor Harmann: Good point.
Councillor Harmann: I hate sleeping. I figured, I've slept the first eleven years of my life away, so now I'm just making up for it.
Councillor Harmann: I like to be reminded this city survives because of these machines. These machines keep us alive, while other machines are coming to kill us. Interesting, isn't it? The power to give life, and the power to end it.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /yulu/1322024.html
