

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 九年级 来源: 记忆方法网

1.break down=go wrong 出故障,抛锚
2.for the first time首次
3.put on so much weight增加如此多的体重
lose weight 减肥
4.in common… …共同地
1. junk/ healthy food 垃圾食品/健康食品
2. get/have sth done.把问题解决
3. go back to回到
4. what sb/sth be like Sb/Sth怎么样
5. be not just bad for 对。。不仅仅有害处
6. behave badly行为不佳
7. decide to do决定做。。。
8. It was hard work 这是个艰巨的工作(无a)
9. refuse to do拒绝做。。。
10. in the end=at last=finally最后
11. persuade sb to do说服。。。做。。。
12. ban sb from doing 禁止某人做某事
13. educate sb…教育某人
14. agree with同意某人的看法
15. make changes to sth改变某事
( ) 1. ----_______ ruler is this? ----It’s Ann’s A. whose B. who C. which
( ) 2. I agree _______ you _______ your vie A. on, with B. with, on C. to, with
( ) 3. y dad took me to _______ in the hospital. .
A. get my eyes examine B. get my eyes examining C. get my eyes examined
( ) 4. I didn’t ______ I made a mistake until the last answer appeared
A. recognize B. realise C. saw
( ) 5. It happened ________ last month. A. sometimes B. sometime C. some time
( ) 6. Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange or a bottle of milk? A. either B. neither C. both
( ) 7. After r. Jackson finished his speech, he would go back____ abroad. A. to B. for C. /
二、单词拼写 根据句子的意思及所给的首字母的提示,写出适当的单词。
1. The boy is very naughty and b_________ badly in class.
2. I want to p_________ my father not to smoke.
3. She f_________ to receive his presents on her birthday party yesterday.
4. Smoking is b_____ for your health..
5. All of us are b_______ to go on with the project because something is wrong with the paper.
6. Please add some s________ to your coffee and it’ll make it t________ and sweet
1.我们已经拒绝了吃垃圾食品。 We have already _________________ the __________________.
2.该剧本昨天被禁止出版。 The play ____________________________________ yesterday.
3.最后,Jamie说服他们品尝一下他做的饭菜 ________, Jamie _______ them ________ his cooking.
Generally speaking, the students in Grade 3 __________________ the ones in Grade 1
5.如果想保持健康就不要放弃锻炼. Don’t __________________________ if you want to ___________.
6.你能不能在晚上之前算出最后一题? Can you ________________________ before this evening?
7. 躺在床上看书不仅仅对你的眼睛有害。 Reading in bed _____________________ your eyes.
8. Jack问他的妈妈鲨鱼是什么样子。 Jack asks his mother _)______ the sharks _________________
9.他宁愿躺在床上而不愿意去骑马。 He _____________ lie in bed _____________ ride horses.
10. 我从都没有和他说过话,所以现在我对他一无所知。
I _________________________ a word with him before, so now I ____________________ him.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /chusan/38611.html

Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad
What would you do