

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 记忆方法网



Hello I'm Charles Goldman, a qualified Chiropodist/Podiatrist. I run “The Foot Pad” chiropody and physical therapy clinic in Holborn, Central London. Today I'm going to talk to you about various foot problems and their treatment.

大家好,我是Charles Goldman,是一名资深手足病医生。我在伦敦中部的开了一家脚病和物理治疗诊所。今天我来讲述一下脚部不同的问题以及治疗方法。

In this short video were going to discuss treating white spots on the nail. Generally, white spots or lines or total whiteness of nails is often caused by minor trauma, banging your toe, dropping something on your toe, kicking something. Very often in sport people they get this.


The way to determine whether this is the cause is to watch the nail as it grows. If the white spots move up the nail and they're not repeated further down this is from minor injury. If you're worried that it's not getting any better the white spots are extending down the nail then it could be due to a systemic problem and its best to seek professional advice.


I would seek advice from a doctor initially to make sure you don't have any other systemic problems. Sometimes white spots on the nail are caused by wearing shoes that are too short, so if this is the case and you know they are tight, and if you stop wearing the tight shoes obviously this would clear up and it won't reoccur. If you do have an ongoing problem then its worth making sure that it's not a rare systemic disease so do seek professional advice.


Generally it's not worth worrying about because it is just a temporary thing but if you are worried then seek professional help.


Thanks for watching video How To Treat White Spots On Nails.



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本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /gaozhong/200926.html
