

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网

命题人: 分值:100 时间:120分钟第一部分 听力(共20小题,每小题0.5分,满分10分)听第一段材料 回第1-5题’s exams is the girl ready for?A. English and physics B. Physics and geographyC. English and geography2. What does the man think of the painting?A. Romantic B. Confusing C. Artistic3. What does the woman intend to buy?A. A wallet B. OrangesC. A handbag4. When are they going to have their picnic?A. On Sunday B. On SaturdayC. On Friday5. How does the woman feel when she hears the news?A. Pleased B. UpsetC. Annoyed听第六段材料 回答第6-7 题’s the relationship between the two speakers?A. Next-door neighborsB. Boss and employee C. Teacher and student7. What kind of look did the stranger probably have?A. He had a special look B. He had an ordinary look C. He had a terrible look听第七段材料 回答第8-10题’s daily activities?A. Bathing the baby B. Taking the dog for a walk C. Visiting friends9. What does the woman mainly express?A. Housewives’ need for a change in their life B. Housewives’ need for proper jobs C. Men’s dissatisfaction with their wives10. What can we learn from the dialogue?A. The woman does not want her husband to stay at home B. The husband does not know how to comfort his wife C. The husband does not care for his wife at all听第八段材料 回答11-13题’s lab B. In a furniture storeC. In a factory12. How much will a new sofa cost?A. 59 dollars B. 63 dollars C. 65 dollars13. When would the woman probably come again?A. Next Thursday B. Next Saturday or Sunday C. In two weeks听第九段材料 回答第14 -17题the interesting places in Europe. B. She may need to use foreign languages in her work C. She has a well-paid job in Britain16. Why doesn’t the man want to go abroad?A. Because it’s cooler in Britain B. Because he doesn’t want to visit new places and meet new people C. Because it doesn’t need to plan much to stay in Britain17. What holiday are the speakers talking about?A. The summer holiday B. The winter holiday C. The spring holiday听第九段材料 回答第18-20题’s criticism could help you to improve it B. Because it is not easy to pick up detailed information by yourself C. Because you can explain the main points in spoken language.20.What can’t you do when introducing your paper?A. You can’t let people pick up detailed information B. You can’t simply read the whole paper aloud C. You can’t let audience speak out their opinions第二部分 单项选择(共15题,每小题1分,满分15分)I would like a job which pays more, but ____ I enjoy the work I am doing at the moment.in other words B. on the other handC. for one thing D. as a matter of fact22. _____, my friend , Mary , and I were born on the same day of the same year. A. By accident B. By chance C. By coincidence D. by adventure23. ?Where are the children? The dinner’s going to be completely ruined. - I wish they ___ always late. A. weren’t B. hadn’t been C. wouldn’t be D. wouldn’t have been24. Mr. Li insisted that the problem worthy of attention ___ at the meeting A. be discussed B. would discuss C. would be discuss D. should discuss25. If you ___him enough money, he would live a much happier life. A. were to give B. are to give C. has given D. will give26. ? I’m feeling terrible and lonely all the time. What should I do? - ____! Try to talk to your friends, and take good care of your health. A. Go ahead B. Take it easy C. That’s right D. Don’t mention it27. _____fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off. A. Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you be D. Might you be28. If we ____ the other road, we might have arrived here in time for the meeting. A. take B. had taken C. took D. have taken 29.The parents warn their son _not to go online often, but he just turns a deaf ear to them. A. over and over again B. on time C. sooner or later D. more or less30. ? What do you know about Japan? - I only know it is ____many islands. A. made up B. made from C. made into D. made up of31. My uncle’s good health is chiefly __ proper diet and regular exercise. A. so as to B. because of C. according to D. due to 32. ?What made you so ____? - His not passing the exam. A. disappoint B. disappointing C. to disappoint D. disappointed33. ? Why does your sister look a little shy? - She is not accustomed to ____ in public. A. praise B. be praised D. praising D. being praised34. ?Would you like ___ to the football match with me tonight? - I’m sorry . I feel like ___TV at home. A. to go ; to watch B. going; watching C. to go ; watching D. going ; to watch35. He managed to get through the experiment ___many difficulties. A. in control of B. in spite of C. in case of D. in honor of第完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)In country after country, talk of nonsmokers’ right is in the air. While a majority of countries have taken _36_ or no action yet, some 30 nations introduced steps based on the _37_ to control smoking. Many laws have been _38_ in other countries to help clear the _39_ for nonsmokers, or to cut the quantity(数量) of cigarettes. In some developed countries the quantity of cigarettes has become more or less _40_. However, in many developing nations, smoking is seen as a _41_ of economic progress(进步) ? and is even _42_. As more tobacco companies go international, new markets are sought to _43_ new smokers in those countries. For example, great efforts are made by the American tobacco _44_ to sell cigarettes in Middle East and North Africa-where _45_ of tobacco increased by more than 27 percent in 1974. World government should _46_ the battle(战斗) against smoking. Limitations(限制) on cigarette advertisements, plus health _47_ on packages and forbidding public smoking in certain places, are the most _48_ tools used by nations in _49_ of nonsmoker or controlling smoking. But world attention also is being paid to another _50_ which will make the smoker increasingly self-conscious (自觉的) and _51_ his habit. Great efforts should be made to inform young people _52_ of the shocking results of _53_ up the habit. And cigarette price should be raised. In the long run(从长远看), there is no _54_ that everybody would be much better-off _55_ smoking were forbidden altogether, but people are not ready for such strong action. 36. A. much B. little C.some D. certain37. A. law B.aims C. facts D. situation38. A. protected B. demanded C. chosenD. made39.A. room B. path C. air D. health40.A. supposed B. fixed C. normal D. ordinary41. A. base B. direction C. signD. degree42.A. practiced B. allowed C. encouragedD. admitted43. A. buy B.gain C. borrow D. put44. A. industry B. tradeC. productionD. department45. A. expense B. qualityC. pricesD. sales46. A. operate B. declare C. leadD. recognize47. A. warnings B. standardC. information . D.guides48. A. national B. popularC. possibleD. valuable49. A faith B. advice D. support D. struggle50.. A.step B.attemptC. gateD. method51. A. ashamed of B. afraid ofC. worried aboutD. uncomfortable about52. A. especially B.frequently C.partly D. gradually53. A. growing B. putting C. makingD.taking54. A. excuse B. doubtC. wonder D. need55. A. as 吉林省龙井市第三中学2013-2014学年高二上学期期末英语试题
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高二英语必修5 Unit 2 SectionIII测试题(含答案)