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七田真超右脑英语学习法: Japanese fathers

2007/4/25 11:45 作者:jiyifa逍遥 本文已影响:4316人 
Japanese fathers

In the past Japanese fathers were generally strict with their children, and they were not expected to help their wives with the housework. They left the child rearing to the mothers. Even mow, many Japanese fathers still think this way. On the other hand, a lot of men have started to participate in child rearing and domestic chores. Fathers are now more involved in the teaching of their children.

But many fathers work so hard that they don’t have much time to interact with their children. Japanese fathers spend a lot of time at work, and therefore they often see their only enjoyment as drinking with their coworkers after work. On their days off, the stereotypical Japanese father goes golfing or loafs around the house.




本文来自:快速记忆法 http://www.jiyifa.cn/dp-bbsthread-1387.html
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