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2007/11/27 01:38 作者:jiyifa逍遥 本文已影响:3410人 


OIC oh, I see (噢!我知道了)

OM oh my 或 old man, as in husband(我的天,或老头)

OOI out of interest (没有兴趣)

OOTB out of the box (立即可用的)

OTL out to lunch (外出用餐)

OTOH on the other hand (另一方面)

OTTH on the third hand (第三手的)

PAW parents are watching (父母监视中)

PC politically correct (政治立场正确)

PDA public display of affection (公开表示亲昵)

PEST please excuse slow typing (我的打字速度很慢,请多包涵)

PI/PIC politically incorrect (政治立场不正确)

PKB (或 P/ K/B pot, kettle, black 或 pot calling the kettle black (五十步笑百步)

PMBI pardon my butting in (请原谅我插入)

PMFJI pardon me for jumping in (请原谅我闯入)

POS parent over shoulder 或 parents over shoulder (父母在背后监视)

POV point of view (观点)

PPL people (人)

PTB powers that be (当权者)

R/ r are (是)

REHI re?hello (following a short time away)或 hi again (我又回来了)

RFC request for comment (请指教)

RL real life (现实生活)

ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing (捧腹大笑)

ROTFLOL rolling on the floor laughing out loud(笑得直不起腰)

S/<S> smile (微笑)

SCNR sorry, could not resist (对不起,我忍不住)

SITD still in the dark (仍不明朗)

SOP standard operating procedure (标准作业程序)

SPMD some people may differ (有些人可能不同)

SUP what's up? (有什么事?)

TBE to be expected (敬请期待)

THX/ TX thanks (谢谢)

TIA thanks in advance (先谢了)

TANJ there ain’t no justice (简直没有公理)

TIC tongue?in?cheek (随便说说罢了)

TPHB the pointy?haired boss (秃头老板)

TPTB the powers that be (当权者)

TTBOMK to the best of my knowledge (就我所知)

TTFN ta?ta for now (再见)

TTYL talk to you later (待会再谈)

TVM thanks very much (非常谢谢)

TVMIA thanks very much in advance (在此先多谢了)

TYVMIA thank you very much in advance (在此先谢谢你了)

U you (你)

UW you’re welcome (不客气)

VBG/<VBG very big grin (非常大的微笑)

WB welcome back (欢迎回来)

WCD what’s cookin’ doc? (在忙什么?)

WHBT we have been trolled (早就告诉过我们了)

WOA work of art (简直是艺术极品)

WRT with regard to (或 with respect to) (很荣幸)

WTG way to go (做得好)

WTH what the heck? (这是什么东西?)

Y /<Y> yawning (打呵欠)

YHBT you have been told 或 you have been trolled (早就告诉过你了)

YHBW you have been warned (早就警告过你了)

YHGMTPOTG you have greatly misinterpreted the purpose of this group (你太过扭曲人家的意思了)

YHM you have mail (你有信)

YMMV your mileage may vary (你的消费量可能不一样)

YOYO you’re on your own (你得靠自己了)

YWSYLS you win some, you lose some (有得有失)
本文来自:快速记忆法 http://www.jiyifa.cn/dp-bbsthread-2438.html
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